WIP: Public Shuttle interior (CEC YB-300)


New Member
I'm working on an interior mesh for the public shuttle, which is internally referred to as the YB-300 in the game files for SWG.

Unfortunately, I lack the knowledge to implement this model into SWG itself, so I can only take this project so far. I'm also not that good at interior detailing, so I'm just going to lay out the foundation and see if someone else wants to take over from here.

Once I have the interior to a point where I'm happy with it, I will upload the .blend file on here and someone else can clean up my work so we can see if it's possible to implement it into SWGEmu and turn the YB-300 into a boardable player ship.


I have tried to preserve some of the interior sections that are built into the shuttle's model, such as the small room attached to the boarding ramp. I'm also trying to keep it in-line with the general shape of the ship. The large room would serve as a cargo hold or passenger bay while the room opposite the boarding ramp could be crew cabin or luggage for passenger.

I've also added a cramped engineering section to the back and am working on splitting the rear hall off for the docking rings, though I might make a variant that uses these as escape pods, too.


New Member
Did some more work on it.

Sliding doors are all set up. Cockpit interior has been roughly mocked up.

The model still roughly fits within the mesh of the in-game model for the ship, with the ramp and cockpit windows lining up almost perfectly (they are snapped to grid as I rely on that in my workflow.) I did extend the engineering compartment just a little as well, so it wouldn't feel as cramped.



New Member
I'm uploading this WIP of the ship. This includes three models:
  • Interior floor and walls as a single mesh
  • Half-door for the double doors
  • Full width door
If anyone wants to tinker with this and give me pointers on alterations and tweaks that can be made to assist with implementing this in SWGEmu, please let me know. I tried to make it so the model roughly fits inside the mesh of the shuttle itself, but I did allow a little bit of clipping towards the rear half to create a less cramped engine room. For simplicity, this model uses textures available in the shuttle's world model. Further refinements to this model may include textures pull from other vessels and world objects once I have a better understanding of the game's limitations.

Correction: It uses the grated floor from the YT-1300 in the engine room. I forgot about that.

